Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu & SARS

This morning the breaking news was that there is a suspected case of Swine flu in an elementary school in Chicago. It reminds me of SARS. I was in the center of that pandemic a few years ago. Guangzhou was close to Shenzhen, where the disease was originated, and had a lot of casualties. But unlike Beijing, our metropolitan area wasn't shut down. Southern Chinese just have a much pragmatic way of dealing with sufferings in life. I still needed to take the bus to go to work. Few people were wearing masks on the street. It seemed to me that after the first couple of weeks of panic, people just realized that life has to go on. Everybody dies, one way or the other. What is the use of being afraid all the time?

More importantly, it's the lesson we need to learn as a species. Those whom were infected with SARS and didn't die ended up being disabled the rest of their lives because their lungs were collapsed by the disease. It's their lives we need to care about, not the sensational death tolls.


  1. to 青帝:又遇上不懂的地方了,请说说这一句是什么意思:Those whom were infected with SARS and didn't die ended up being disabled the rest of their lives because their lungs were collapsed by the disease.

  2. 上边直译:得了SARS但没有丧生的人,最后落下伤残,因为他们的肺垮了。

  3. 青帝老师要注意身体啊!不过青帝老师对处理这方面危机现在已经没问题吧!Chicago总比当年的Guangzhou要安全的多!

  4. 在自己的博客里面回复...怎么又发回到自己的邮箱里?哎!删掉又重发了一遍!如何确认是青帝老师收到而不是我!看来是设计存在问题,或者我太笨啊!
