Friday, April 24, 2009

Sunny! Better carry my umbrella!

This is the first real hot day in Chicago (80F) this year. It was very sunny and I saw a lady holding an umbrella walked down the street. Hey, that must be a new immigrant from Southern Asia! People here rather put chemicals on their skin than holding an umbrella to protect them from ultraviolet. They even think getting artificially tanned is normal. It takes a lot of courage to hold up that umbrella and insist on the Asian aesthetics: pale skin is beautiful.
I have mixed feeling about this: I love the diversity of aesthetics in this new country. But people are still conforming to a certain set of standards.


  1. 在美利坚可以看到美的不同,而在中国却受趋同的教育...

    村一的link :

  2. haha!博主非常幽默, "It takes a lot of courage to hold up that umbrella and insist on the Asian aesthetics: pale skin is beautiful."确实是这样,国内确实以白为美,或许东亚地区更甚.日本和韩国的化妆品在国内受宠,也许可以解释原由.

  3. It is strange that the so-called "white" people really don't value being white, they'd rather have darker skins.
